"" Mrs. Ramser's Computer Bytes: 5th Grade

5th Grade

Welcome to the middle school computer lab. I am so glad you are here! Fifth graders are expected to type 15-18 words per minute with 95% accuracy or higher. Those students new to WCS or those who simply struggle with their keyboarding are encouraged to come to the lab after school and practice. You may practice at home, but remember not to look at the keys as you do so! We are wanting you to learn to touch type. You may use the online program we use during our class time together by simply going to typing.com. If you do not know or cannot remember your username and password, please stop by the lab and ask Mrs. Ramser to give it to you.

September 20, 2019
Fifth graders have been busy this quarter learning the procedures of the lab. We have created folders on the student server and learned how to locate the server from their computer to properly save all project work. We have been working hard to improve our keyboarding skills by practicing on typing.com making sure that our hands are placed properly on the home row, and we are using the correct finger to type each key we learn. In addition we have completed a project in Microsoft Word using different editing and formatting skills. We are currently working with Microsoft Excel. Our first project was to create a picture by filling specified cells with a certain color. This enabled the students to become familiar with the layout of Excel and learn how to select the proper cells for their work. 

September 24, 2019
Today we completed an Excel teaching lesson on inputting data into proper cells, changing column sizes, merging and centering worksheet titles, graphing specified data, moving the chart to a new sheet and labeling properly and inserting sum formulas. The students then began their Ice Cream Cart project in Excel which requires them to use the skills taught.

October 1, 2019
Today we completed a review lesson over Excel. The students completed different drag and drop activities with questions about Excel regarding the terminology, parts of an Excel worksheet and what different tools in Excel allow them to do.

October 3, 2019

Today we discussed proper Internet searching and how to narrow down a search using keywords. We then did some practice searches together and completed two Search Mission worksheets.

October 8, 2019

Today we began Internet searching on our own using the skills taught in on October 3 by identifying keywords to narrow down the list of search results. Students listed the answer to each question, the keywords for each question to use in the search and the URL for where they found the answer to the question.

October 10, 2019

Today we finished the Internet searching assignment. We then began a lesson in Scratch which is a block coding program. Students will be spelling out Collegiate and learning how to change each letter into a different picture when they click on them. To do this, the students will create the letters and tell each of them everything it must do step-by-step by writing the script for each letter.

October 15, 2019

Today we continued and finished our Scratch project for animating the word Collegiate.