"" Mrs. Ramser's Computer Bytes: Laugh out Loud

Laugh out Loud

Do you like to laugh? Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said, "Nothing shows a man's character more than what he laughs at." (http://thinkexist.com/quotation/nothing_shows_a_man-s_character_more_than_what_he/212238.html) I hope you will use your computer knowledge to find much humor in the cartoons and pictures you see below. Enjoy!
Picture #1: What is this picture saying to you?
Picture #2: What would you change your name to to make it more technologically current?

Picture #3: What kind of things make you feel this way when you are at the computer?

Picture #4: What kind of things have you done that result in an overload of spam?

Picture #5: Do you have any attachment horror stories?

Picture #6: Isn't that the truth?!

Picture #7: Are you backing up your important files?